TOP TIPS: How to de-stress with your outdoor shading system

awning-bioclimatic pergola-retractable pergola

On last week’s blog post we talked about how a pergola system is the perfect system for an outdoor party, however after all that partying you’re going to have to find some time to wind down and relax. Slowing down after leading such a busy day can be a hard task, that is why we have gathered some tips on how you can wind down and de-stress with your outdoor shading system:


Tip #1 – Add some greenery

Our first tip is to add some plants around your outdoor space, not only does it create a prettier greener looking area, it also has benefits for you! Plants are natural air purifiers which keep the air around you lovely and clean, it has also been proved through countless clinical studies that plants are an amazing natural way to reduce stress, anxiety and fatigue. It has also been said that the colour green symbolises harmony and health which are great factors to include into your life to de-stress.


Tip #2 – Thinking about you!

With so much going on in just everyday life, never mind special events, there is always so much to do! From your job, to your house chores and even family and friends, it’s a lot to juggle around, but it’s always important for you to set aside some ‘Me Time’. One of the biggest mistakes we make as such busy individuals is not take the time out for ourselves. With your outdoor shading systems, you can do just that, ignore your responsibilities for 20 minutes and curl up in your oasis with a hot drink and just relax and be in the moment for a little while.


Tip #3 – Breathe

Your ideal spot to just escape for some zen shenanigans is your garden, with an outdoor shading system you can enhance your relaxing zone by making it luxurious. Get outside and enjoy the fresh air you are surrounded by but forget to notice, bask in the relaxing atmosphere. You never know, by taking the time out to just sit back and feel some fresh air, it might make your worries melt away or put them in a different perspective with a clear head and set of lungs.


Tip #4 – Take a nap!

That’s right! We used to take loads as little kids so why can’t we find the time now to just hit reset? Listening to your body is one of the key elements for achieving a more relaxed life. Our bodies do so much for us, so we need to do just as much for them. Create a cosy corner for you to have some downtime and rest, completely personalise your own little getaway so you can achieve ultimate de-stressing. Don’t feel guilty for looking after yourself, taking a little 30-minute nap can leave you feeling much better than before, so why wouldn’t you do it?


Tip #5 – Move your body!

Exercising in the open air can be a great way to release some pent up stress and anxiety, fill your lungs with fresh air while you get yourself moving. Go ahead and do that class you’ve always said you wanted to do, complete your favourite HIIT workout, or if you’re looking for something a little less intense try some yoga! The choice is completely yours, whatever you find best to de-stress.


We hope that you have found today’s blog post helpful on knowing how to relax more with your outdoor shading system in style.

If you have any questions / require more information about our systems feel free to head over to our FAQ page or get in contact with us now!


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