5 THINGS TO KNOW: About exterior design

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Here at GOSS Outdoor we understand the level of importance exterior design holds, it’s not just interior design that people are thinking about these days. Thinking about your dream exterior and hitting all the right points is a complicated task, but it doesn’t have to be! That’s why we have decided to gather top 5 tips you should know about when thinking about your exterior space. If you want to become a master in the exterior world it’s time to listen to the experts, so settle down and carry on reading to find out what you can be doing this year to elevate your exterior space:

1) Shape

Considering the shape and style of your home and outdoor living space is really a key point to consider within designing your exterior space, you really need to take a step back and take a look of what already lives in your outdoor area before deciding what you’re going to add to co-exist with it. At GOSS Outdoor we have an array of so many different shading systems for you to choose from that will compliment your home beautifully. Our sloping profile models such as the Falcate provide a softer aesthetic look to where they are placed, or if you’re more of a fan of a bolder more defined statement, our contemporary Zeus series would be the perfect addition to your exterior.

2) Seasons

Taking into account how your exterior space will look throughout the different seasons is another tip, now we’re not saying you have to have a different shading system for each system, but instead thinking about how you can cater your exterior space to the different seasons. One of the main thoughts needed for this is the colour of your shading system - does the colour suit your home? Will it look as good in the winter as it does the summer? Thinking about your systems colour is important task and our sample guides can help you with just that. Elevating your system through the use of decoration such as plants and pillows for different seasons can really boost the seasonal aesthetic of your exterior space too.

3) Lighting

One thing that cannot be ignored is an exterior space’s lighting, if you’re exterior space is not illuminated to its full potential you are going to lose the desired look of having a stunning, glowing, inviting exterior space; none of your stunning features such as a shading system will pop out as much as you want it to. You can do this with lighting systems integrated on your shading system or by going down a battery or solar powered lighting system route, we have gorgeous different lighting systems available from our provider Ethimo to light up your life in the most practical and chic way possible.

4) Comfort

Your exteriors level of comfort should be on the same level as your interiors comfort, creating a cosy and relaxing atmosphere should be at the forefront of your decisions - we love a relaxing indoor space don’t forget about your outdoor space too! Having a high-quality shading system installed into your exterior area is a contribution to taking your are to the next level , and when you furnish it with gorgeous pieces just like from our Ethimo collections - you’ll be creating the perfect exterior dream and you’re very own personal oasis.

5) Accessories

Our final tip in helping you gain some exterior knowledge is thinking about what kind of accessories you want to add to your exterior area. A great choice for an addition to your exterior space is having a heater, a beautiful exterior area that you can use all year round thanks to your heater is a dream come true. No one wants to only have access to their exterior space for half the year! but with a heater that problem is solved. You can spend your dry autumn evenings curled up under you heater relaxing in the gorgeous exterior you’ve created.

We hope that you have enjoyed this weeks blog post and that you are now a more knowledgeable individual in the field of exterior, however please remember that if you still have any questions you can head over to our FAQ page and see if we’eve answered it and if not, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the GOSS Outdoor team today. We are always happy to help.


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